July 16 & July 21
“What is WeavEast” is a question that all of us have arrived at from time to time. It’s a network. It’s an open-edged collective. It’s a group of people making great changes and experimenting with ways to improve society. It’s a dream.
Maybe another way to come at the subject is “What does WeavEast do?”
WeavEast was created around a vision of a web of connected, supportive social innovations and projects, democratically and horizontally connected, happening across this region.
I invite you to step into that dream, whether you have always been involved, never been involved, always been curious or you just want to take action and see what happens if you get the opportunity to try something new with some like-minded people.
With a new round of funding social changes prototypes on the horizon, we want to invite you to join us for a set of open space discussions. Open space means you are setting the agenda, so bring the questions that you are holding now, and want to discuss with a diverse group of committed, interested community members who are passionate about making things better.
We are hosting two discussions in July, with more scheduled for August, September and October. Join us!
Open spaces will be facilitated by Julia Feltham and Charlene Boyce.